
NHS Hit by Cyber Attack – End This With Blockchain Technology Urges Patientory Founder

It was reported earlier today that the National Health Service in England was hit by a cyber attack. As you can imagine, we are in shock and are watching events closely. Here’s a statement released on behalf of all of us at Patientory.

As the NHS continues to deal with a large-scale cyber attack affecting computer systems and phones in hospitals across England, Patientory founder and CEO Chrissa McFarlane urges the government to take proactive steps in adopting blockchain technology to avoid disasters like these happening to more healthcare organizations across the globe.

Patientory’s use of blockchain technology helps affiliated healthcare organizations achieve zero data breaches. In addition, it abides by strict US HIPAA Security Rules by maintaining a security compliance team, protecting relevant electronic systems and using encryption to control data access.

McFarlane said:

“This is a very scary situation and we hope lives are not endangered while the NHS deals with this situation. But how much longer are we, as citizens, prepared to let the government control our data. The hackers are demanding that ransom is paid before they start deleting medical records, yet a simple blockchain-based mobile app could be used for citizens to keep track of their medical records and more importantly know who has access to them.”

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