Healthcare Providers Patients

Blockchain-Healthcare Start-Up Patientory Wins Two Prestigious Awards

Hard Work Pays Off For The Global Population Health Management Platform As Patientory Is Named Start-up Company of the Year At Metro Atlanta Chamber Awards & Health Tech Upstarter By Technology Association Of Georgia

Atlanta – (November 07, 2017) – Blockchain healthcare company, Patientory, has today revealed that it has won two prestigious awards. The first award is the Phoenix Award for Start-up Company of the Year.

The awards recognize individuals and companies that have made an outstanding contribution to the growth of the health IT industry in Georgia. The phoenix represents the iconic “rising from the ashes,” and the awards celebrate strength, tenacity, and leadership demonstrated by finalists.

Founded by medical researcher-turned-entrepreneur Chrissa McFarlane in 2016, Patientory’s blockchain-enabled solution empowers consumers to take charge of their health by providing a highly secure, single platform to share and manage their healthcare information with providers and healthcare organizations.

“Patientory’s leading work in securing and maintaining health information in real time helps professionals in Atlanta and elsewhere provide the most effective care. Using blockchain technology, they are able to protect our most sensitive and personal records,” said Kornelius Bankston, director of Bioscience Ecosystem Expansion, Metro Atlanta Chamber.

This award win was quickly followed by the company being named Health Tech Upstarter in the Technology Association of Georgia (TAG) Awards as well. Having raised USD $7.2 million in just three days earlier this year, Patientory is continuing to add partners such as the Blockcypher-Dash partnership announced this summer. The company also has plans to expand its coverage beyond the United States into international markets.

“We are thrilled to be recognized in these two high profile award programmes,” commented CEO and founder Chrissa McFarlane.

“We’re passionate about providing a solution that supports better healthcare outcomes through improved data access and management, and are honored to have our efforts recognized,” concluded McFarlane.

To learn more about Patientory, please visit


About Patientory

Patientory is empowering people to take charge of their own health. Patientory connects doctors, care providers, and consumers all within a single, secure platform – creating a care team that works together to provide the best care. We’re revolutionizing the way doctors and patients interact and gain access to information, cutting out all layers and processes that currently are stumbling blocks in care coordination.

About Health IT Leadership Summit

The Health IT Leadership Summit was founded in 2010 by the Georgia Department of Economic Development, the Metro Atlanta Chamber, and the Technology Association of Georgia. The one-day summit is a gathering spot for leaders in the healthcare industry that help deploy innovative ways to lower costs and improve healthcare.

About Technology Association of Georgia (TAG)

It’s a new world for tech, and the Technology Association of Georgia (TAG) has emerged as a world-class membership organization and an engine for economic development for the state of Georgia. TAG’s mission is to educate, promote, influence and unite Georgia’s technology community to foster an innovative and connected marketplace that stimulates and enhances Georgia’s tech-based economy.


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