Healthcare Providers Patients

Beyond Blockchain: Improving the Well-Being of Patients Around the World

How will 2017 be remembered?

It was a year of monumental change across a variety of social and political spectrums. As for business and technology, it will no doubt go down in history as the year of the Token Sale.

Hundreds of companies conducted Token Sale, and millions of dollars were raised for technologies that promised a realization of what blockchain can do to radically change the way we connect and communicate in a digital world. What 2018 will reveal is what companies and technologies have the goods to meet those promises. That requires a focus beyond the blockchain, to the vertical industry applications that will deliver on those promises.

Patientory is in the business of improving people’s lives and the well-being of patients around the world. That is one of the reasons why the Patientory community is so engaged and passionate. It understands what is possible and that now is the time to transform healthcare for the individual.

It was an exciting year for the Patientory community, one in which we closed our Token Sale together, advanced the technology to change healthcare, and beefed up our dedicated staff dramatically. Our community saw a 25%-50% percentage growth, if not more.

The year was not without its stumbles, though. We’re a young company and a rapidly growing community. With that comes challenges. We did our best to address them openly and transparently and hosted our Q4 AMA just this quarter. In fact, please watch for updates on quarterly AMAs in 2018. In the meantime, you can always see the latest roadmap here: and follow us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Bitcointalk. Of course, you can also sign up for our newsletter here:

We’re confident about the future. We’ve witnessed a number of $PTOY price spike rallies that demonstrates the ongoing Patientory community support. While hundreds of companies are vying for this space, Patientory was among the first to start building. We have the technology and a business model for distribution and thanks to the community; we have the currency to enable a worldwide network of healthcare data exchange. We can securely store medical data and transmit in a way that is safe. With health care as the most-costly line item in the federal budget, we have an opportunity to affect change that is felt at all levels of our society.

We invite you to join us and be a part of this moment.