Healthcare Providers Patients

Immunization Integration and Interoperability: What Are the Benefits?

By Patientory, an exhibitor at the HIMSS Interoperability Showcase™ at the 2018 HIMSS Global Conference & Exhibition, and Quiana Lloyd, Director of Marketing and Communications

[ATLANTA – February 20, 2018 ] The enormous importance of health IT in the healthcare industry can be underplayed. Daily patient care and interaction would be tedious for healthcare professionals if not for innovations of health IT aimed at ensuring the security of electronic health records (EHR).

It’s no news that patients are becoming increasingly aware and interested in owning their personal health information. With interoperability in place, various healthcare providers have access to a patient’s health information, helping to ensure speed and comprehensiveness of treatment.

Doctors can access a patient’s current medical condition by opening the patient’s EHR to view medical history, treatments, allergies, and prescriptions. This translates into an effective treatment for their patients by reducing potential conflict in prescribed medication, for example. Repetition of risky tests and procedures are significantly reduced with the availability of the test results to various healthcare providers.

Amber’s Story

One patient named Amber will never forget her Hepatitis A and B combination vaccination. It happened just in time to save her from contracting the deadly virus sweeping through San Diego County.

Amber always thought she had gotten all her vaccinations when she was younger and naturally assumed that she had gotten one for the Hepatitis A virus. She had just come in for a regular checkup and was going through routine questions with her resident doctor when she mentioned traveling for a short visit to see her mother based in San Diego.

It then occurred to the doctor – based on the aforementioned virus outbreak in San Diego – to take a look at her medical history. It would have been time-consuming to call up other professionals from various facilities to fax over Amber’s medical records. But thanks to a secure patient platform, Amber could grant her doctor access in minutes to her health information.

Patient platforms empower people to take charge of their health. Patient platforms are revolutionizing the way doctors and patients interact and gain access to information, cutting out all layers and processes that currently are stumbling blocks in care coordination. Patient platforms connect doctors, care providers, and consumers, creating a care team that works together to provide the best care. #healthcare#blockchain#tech#startup#EmpowerHIT

Experience these up-and-coming digital innovations at the HIMSS Interoperability Show-case™.


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