Healthcare Providers Patients

A Bird’s Eye View on the Patientory, Inc. Software

Patientory, Inc.

[ATLANTA – April 3, 2018 ]

Patientory, Inc. is currently solving the elephant in the room that has been plagued by the healthcare industry for years;  access and mobility of healthcare data. By combining the best of both worlds (blockchain and health data management), we’re able to provide software that will improve the efficiency and efficacy of the healthcare system. Whether that’s collecting and analyzing data from a heart monitor to sharing fluoroscopy diagnostic results from multiple specialists, Patientory, Inc. which develops the distributed application software allowing users to access their health data integrates with the PTOY blockchain administered and managed by the Patientory Stiftung on the backend.

To achieve this, the PTOY blockchain is governed as a private permissioned blockchain via a consortium membership of data storage nodes. Permissioned blockchains not only come with all the benefits of blockchain but also guarantees authority over parties authorized to join, view and make use of the network. The information transfer happens within the PTOY permissioned blockchain network hence it makes the data exchanges faster and readily accessible.

So, is blockchain the one pill for healthcare’s woes? Maybe not. However, the use of the blockchain infrastructure to integrate into the workflows of the health system and provide secure data through a network ecosystem can prove to save the industry costs with improved health outcomes. In 2017, the cost of diabetes rose to $327B. 73% of this cost is attributed to direct health care expenditures and inefficiencies.

As the PTOY blockchain is a fork of the Ethereum based blockchain, there still remains a few bottlenecks, like slow transaction times, scalability issues, data storage, consensus optimization.etc. However, besides the above mentioned cons, the improvements are happening at an astonishing pace with solutions that are easily adaptable to business and enterprise environments. We hope to establish and foster a developer community that is very supportive and active in addressing the issues to make the platform more robust once the PTOY blockchain codebase is released by the Patientory Stiftung.

1American Diabetes Association. Diabetes Care. 2018;doi:10.2337/dci18-0007

Bright future

Patientory, Inc. is connecting the best of both worlds – blockchain and health data management.  The Patientory, Inc wallet software that incorporates the PTOY blockchain network ensures the access to electronic health and medical data information to regulate and make use of the data available to build consumer centric and feature-rich applications for patients, hospitals, and insurance companies. Our mobile wallet, app and web portal access serves to unlock the limitless potential of healthcare data usage for the future.