DApps Patients

How New Blockchain Offerings Can Improve Consumers’ Healthcare Experience

The complex nature of several aspects of the healthcare system sometimes seem to suggest that the system is not, in fact, built for the stakeholder it is meant to serve – the patient or healthcare consumer. Consumers struggle to get adequate time with the right healthcare providers, to obtain accurate and up-to-date health information, to navigate the wieldy health insurance industry, and to pay for expensive medical interventions that may or may not be necessary. Perhaps most frustrating to consumers, is the hassle of accessing or sharing their own personal health information.

A Complex Health System Reflects Complex Healthcare Demands

Of course the system has not been built with the goal of being complex or esoteric. The intention behind difficult-to-access health data is not to keep patients or their families in the dark about pertinent health information. Instead, access has become difficult in response to growing needs and demands for data privacy and security. Just as consumers want to be able to access their own health records at will, they also want their records kept private and secure from manipulation or modification.

While the shift to electronic health records (EHRs), which has been broadly adopted by healthcare providers, has improved the ability of consumers to readily access their records, these EHR systems do not adequately address privacy and security issues, nor are they as efficient as they theoretically might have been. Indeed, EHRs tend to suffer from interoperability problems, which prevent different types of EHR systems from interacting seamlessly with others. Thus, if a consumer sees healthcare providers that use distinct EHR systems, those providers may not be able to share the consumer’s health-related information in an efficient or precise manner.

Blockchain Can Enhance Access in a Secure Way While Providing Additional Consumer Benefits

The Patientory App for consumers makes it easier for patients to access, store, and manage their health information in a simple and secure way while also providing other solutions to consumer-facing challenges in healthcare. An important distinction of the Patientory App is it is a distributed App, or DApp, rather than a traditional App. DApps leverage blockchain technology, and specifically, have a distributed nature. In other words, DApps are applications that interface with blockchains, which are not stored or controlled by a single entity or in a single location. This means that a particular EHR or healthcare provider does not solely control an individual’s healthcare data, thus allowing for more efficient, seamless, and secure sharing of healthcare data among different providers and EHR platforms.

Using the Patientory App, consumers are not only able to access their health information themselves able to grant selected access permissions to others, but they can also use the App to better manage their health continuously and in real-time. For instance, they can set health-related goals, track behavior and progress, and access educational or support tools, resources, and communities. In addition, consumers can use the Patientory App to navigate payment options and execute individual payments. Given the breadth of solutions that the Patientory App provides – and its potential to cumulatively collect consumers’ information over the lifespan – the App is poised to become a one-stop-shop for healthcare consumers looking to take control of both their health and health-related factors like health finances. The greater transparency afforded by the App can even drive down healthcare costs by enhancing preventative care and reducing crisis management and hospital readmissions.

The Patientory App also utilizes  the Patientory utility currency, PTOY , where PTOY coins can be used for transactions and storage within the private, permissioned blockchain. As Patientory also has a dashboard offering for other healthcare stakeholders, including healthcare providers and payers, the company is building a fail-safe blockchain infrastructure with solid interoperability capabilities. The company is therefore taking a 360-degree approach to its blockchain solution for healthcare so that the information and value that each stakeholder brings can be efficiently transferred to other stakeholders, and individuals from all corners of the healthcare system can benefit.

Healthcare Providers Patients

Patientory CEO Speaks on How New Blockchain Solutions Can Solve Old Healthcare Problems

Last Thursday, September 13th, Bloomberg hosted a live event on ‘The Value of Data: How Emerging Technologies are Redefining Our Future.’ Patientory CEO and Founder Chrissa McFarlane was invited to speak on a panel discussing how blockchain can be utilized to solve global social challenges such as plastic pollution, foodborne illnesses, and consumer access to healthcare. This panel also featured representatives from IBM, Walmart, and the United Nations.

When people hear the word ‘blockchain’, they often think of cryptocurrency, a digital form of currency that has gained notoriety due to the growth of companies such as Bitcoin. This association of blockchain with cryptocurrency usually results in consumer skepticism and concern, as cryptocurrency is currently a very nascent and unregulated currency basis. Blockchain, however, has far greater applications than just cryptocurrency, specifically regarding security and transparency of data transactions and exchanges. To better understand these applications, it’s important to define what exactly blockchain is.

According to Forbes magazine, ‘Blockchain is a public register in which transactions between two users belonging to the same network are stored in a secure, verifiable and permanent way. The data relating to the exchanges are saved inside cryptographic blocks, connected in a hierarchical manner to each other. This creates an endless chain of data blocks — hence the name blockchain — that allows you to trace and verify all the transactions you have ever made. The primary function of a blockchain is, therefore, to certify transactions between people.”

From this definition, one can see how blockchain is a technology that allows users to securely and visibly complete transactions or data exchanges. One such use case can be found in the global food supply chain. Following a number of scandals in food production, most infamously the European horse meat scandal in 2013, where foods advertised as containing beef were found to contain undeclared or improperly declared horse meat, trust in global conglomerates’ ability to track the source of all its food products was at an all-time low. This mistrust led IBM to partner with Walmart, Unilever, Nestle and six other large companies in 2016 to release the Food Trust blockchain to track food through supply chains around the world. This created an immutable record of the food production cycle of every single item of produce on a blockchain. Consumers, as a result, could trust that they are buying and eating the produce they believe they are.

As seen in the food safety example, the implications of blockchain are powerful and can be just as powerful in healthcare as in food safety. Currently, consumer access to their healthcare data is a real challenge and a long-standing one at that. While gone are the days of paper charts, as much of healthcare data today is digitized and electronic, many healthcare providers do not have a way to share and grant access to such data for consumers securely. That’s where blockchain comes in.

In the healthcare industry, blockchain technology can help healthcare providers securely allow consumers to access and view their data, empowering consumers to have far greater ownership and management of their health. Additionally, blockchain enables healthcare providers to be compliant in meeting the GDPR and HIPAA regulations, two significant hurdles that have prevented consumers from successfully accessing their healthcare data.

Blockchain technology is not just about cryptocurrency or Bitcoin or fledging digital currency markets. It’s a solution that can indeed change the landscape of healthcare, not to mention many other global social problems. This technology has arrived – now is the time for healthcare providers and institutions to be open to adopting it, as the health of their patient communities depends on it.

Healthcare Providers Patients

Addressing Healthcare Consumer Access and Data Ownership with Blockchain


The Challenge with Healthcare Data Ownership

The digital era has shepherded in new challenges and opportunities in healthcare. The shift from handwritten medical notes to electronic health records has raised important questions about access, shareability, and ownership of health-related information. Today, the vast majority of healthcare providers use electronic health records that afford consumers the ability to view and download health data created at those institutions.

Given that medical records rely on and are personal to individual consumers, it is intuitive to assume that those consumers own their medical data. However, due in part to intellectual property laws and the fact that medical records tend to include professional medical opinions, data ownership tends to legally reside with the creator or author of the record itself. The specific data ownership laws differ from state to state, but federal law provides consumers with rights related to the security and privacy of their health data.

Progress and Grey Areas in Democratizing Data

The progress made thus far in helping consumers access their health data will likely prove invaluable in helping to engage consumers in their healthcare and thereby empowering them to lead healthier lives. Consumers do indeed have the right not only to view their records but also to obtain those records in the format of their choosing. Providing consumers access to this health data also empower healthcare providers to get a more holistic view of consumer health-data, which can improve clinical decision-making. From a health perspective, consumer access to data appears to be headed in the right direction.

While consumer health is the priority in healthcare, another issue related to consumer data that has not yet been adequately solved is the use of consumer data as digital assets. If healthcare providers who own consumer data de-identify that data or remove the personal information attached to that data, then the data is no longer protected by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). What that means is that the owners of this valuable data can sell it without compensating the consumers, without whom, the data would not exist.

Ideally, consumers could not only access and review their medical records but also share it with healthcare providers and other third parties, and sell it to, for example, pharmaceutical companies or clinical research organizations. These goals are central to the White House’s Precision Medicine Initiative, which aims to make health data portable and conveniently shareable. However, even as consensus grows around the goals for consumer health data, there is one major challenge associated with this democratization of data ownership. That is, effectively decentralizing health data requires security measures that ensure that the added layer of transparency is not accompanied by an ability for people to alter the data.

Patientory Leverages Blockchain as a Solution

Patientory’s blockchain approach provides a solution to this healthcare data security challenge while also driving down costs through lower transaction fees and overhead. Like blockchain strategies that have been heavily and successfully adopted in the finance industry, Patientory’s blockchain will provide a decentralized database where information can be rapidly updated and accessible to a multitude of users. Patientory’s semantic technology will help healthcare providers and consumers alike as they work together to understand and improve health from cradle to grave.