
Overcoming Regulatory Barriers

October 6, 2022 marked the Patientory Data Liberation Day! Under federal rules taking effect today, health care organizations must give patients unfettered access to their full health records in digital format. No more long delays. No more fax machines. No more exorbitant charges for printed pages…The American Revolution had July 4. The allies had D-Day. And now U.S. patients, held down for decades by information hoarders, can rally around a new turning point, October 6, 2022 — the day they got their health data back.” Will Web3 blockchain based technologies usher in a new era of healthcare?

“The health care industry may be able to succeed where Wall Street has not. If successful, the resulting disruption could change the way companies in the health care sector deliver their services.”

This is just one of the wins Patientory overcomed in 2022 in regards to US Federal Regualtions. 

In early 2022, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, in partnership with the Health Resources and Service Administration, conducted a roundtable on “Community Connected Stakeholder Engagement.” This roundtable culminated into the “Community Connected Health Stakeholder Engagement Summary Report.” As part of the roundtable, innovative entities and startups such as Patientory, Inc were selected to offer invaluable insight as to how to best move forward in creating a more equitable digital health tech future. 

Patientory’s vision aligns with the vision and ultimate goal of the community healthtech roundtable and report as it connects players in the healthcare ecosystem through a matrix that furthers accessibility for patients and interoperability for providers and healthcare entities. 

The “Community Connected Stakeholder Engagement Summary Report” identifies key takeaways from the roundtable that both allude to what the invitees are doing NOW for healthcare equity and what they are building toward for the future. Patientory, for example, is working toward seamless integration within the healthcare ecosystem so that there is greater ease of big tech adoption and enhanced accessibility for care for patients and users (report takeaway/theme). This is accomplished within the Patientory ecosystem through both Neith and the Patientory user app, which ensures that the community member/user is a key stakeholder in the healthcare decision-making process (report takeaway/theme). Both components of Patientory’s ecosystem, whether targeted toward providers or patients, ensures that real-time, actionable data be returned to both parties so that timely health interventions and monitoring can be delivered / conducted. 

Ultimately, Patientory and the other entities invited to the White House’s roundtable are working toward a sustainable model, which can push healthcare delivery toward ease and interoperability, whether at a large hospital conglomerate or a community hospital. 

Our feature in Stat Report:

Stat News Press:

Authored by Ankita Moss

Edited by Chrissa McFarlane – Patientory


A Lesson in Digital Health: Pandemic Tracking and Reporting

Pandemic Tracking and Reporting is a program designed to track, monitor and report on the exposure of disease among the population. It is generally used by public health officials, healthcare volunteers, aid organizations, corporations and individuals. In the event of an outbreak it provides the most up-to-date insight into the outbreak at hand which will inform a more rapid response plan.

The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that at least 100,000 people die every year due to infectious diseases, including 50,000 deaths from influenza and 10,000 deaths from bacterial pneumonia. Pandemic tracking and reporting help you understand where disease is coming from and how it is spreading across borders. It is a way to protect yourself, your region, or even the world from a potentially contagious epidemic.

Patientory dApp features to track and report the pandemic include: 

  1. Important and useful information notifications right in your app
  2. Storing personal data about vaccinations and reminders for the next vaccination
  3. Digital vaccination record card, taking your data everywhere you go!

Signup for Patientory Dapp – Waitlist


Web3 and Blockchain Transformation Awards

We’re super thrilled to be selected as finalists for the Blockchain Entrepreneurship Award in the Industry Solutions Subcategory.

Formerly known as the Enterprise Blockchain Awards, the Web3 & Blockchain Transformation Awards (W3B Awards) recognize the exceptional leaders, researchers, innovators, entrepreneurs, and service providers driving global blockchain transformation. Now in their fourth year, the awards honor those that have made a measurable difference within their ecosystems and across industries.

Blockchain Entrepreneurship Award

Patientory Inc has been recognized for delivering innovative blockchain applications, protocols, or platforms that address blockchain implementation challenges to business, government, and nonprofit contexts.

About the Blockchain Research Institute

The Blockchain Research Institute (BRI) is an independent, global think-tank dedicated to inspiring and preparing private and public-sector leaders to drive blockchain transformation. Funded by a member community of 100+ companies, government agencies, and technology platforms, the BRI brings together some of the world’s leading thinkers to undertake ground-breaking research on the strategic implications of blockchain technology, producing practical insights to help its members drive digital transformation across industries.

About MCI Canada

MCI is a global engagement and marketing agency that creates human-centric touch points that unleash the power of people. Firm believers in the power of building community since 1987, MCI is helping brands, associations and not-for-profit organizations solve their key people challenges through their expertise in live and virtual events, strategic digital communications, and consulting and community solutions. MCI Canada provides live and digital event & association services to influence, engage, connect, interact, immerse, and educate key target audiences.