Healthcare Providers Patients

Beyond Blockchain: Improving the Well-Being of Patients Around the World

How will 2017 be remembered?

It was a year of monumental change across a variety of social and political spectrums. As for business and technology, it will no doubt go down in history as the year of the Token Sale.

Hundreds of companies conducted Token Sale, and millions of dollars were raised for technologies that promised a realization of what blockchain can do to radically change the way we connect and communicate in a digital world. What 2018 will reveal is what companies and technologies have the goods to meet those promises. That requires a focus beyond the blockchain, to the vertical industry applications that will deliver on those promises.

Patientory is in the business of improving people’s lives and the well-being of patients around the world. That is one of the reasons why the Patientory community is so engaged and passionate. It understands what is possible and that now is the time to transform healthcare for the individual.

It was an exciting year for the Patientory community, one in which we closed our Token Sale together, advanced the technology to change healthcare, and beefed up our dedicated staff dramatically. Our community saw a 25%-50% percentage growth, if not more.

The year was not without its stumbles, though. We’re a young company and a rapidly growing community. With that comes challenges. We did our best to address them openly and transparently and hosted our Q4 AMA just this quarter. In fact, please watch for updates on quarterly AMAs in 2018. In the meantime, you can always see the latest roadmap here: and follow us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Bitcointalk. Of course, you can also sign up for our newsletter here:

We’re confident about the future. We’ve witnessed a number of $PTOY price spike rallies that demonstrates the ongoing Patientory community support. While hundreds of companies are vying for this space, Patientory was among the first to start building. We have the technology and a business model for distribution and thanks to the community; we have the currency to enable a worldwide network of healthcare data exchange. We can securely store medical data and transmit in a way that is safe. With health care as the most-costly line item in the federal budget, we have an opportunity to affect change that is felt at all levels of our society.

We invite you to join us and be a part of this moment.



Healthcare Providers Patients

Blockchain-Healthcare Start-Up Patientory Wins Two Prestigious Awards

Hard Work Pays Off For The Global Population Health Management Platform As Patientory Is Named Start-up Company of the Year At Metro Atlanta Chamber Awards & Health Tech Upstarter By Technology Association Of Georgia

Atlanta – (November 07, 2017) – Blockchain healthcare company, Patientory, has today revealed that it has won two prestigious awards. The first award is the Phoenix Award for Start-up Company of the Year.

The awards recognize individuals and companies that have made an outstanding contribution to the growth of the health IT industry in Georgia. The phoenix represents the iconic “rising from the ashes,” and the awards celebrate strength, tenacity, and leadership demonstrated by finalists.

Founded by medical researcher-turned-entrepreneur Chrissa McFarlane in 2016, Patientory’s blockchain-enabled solution empowers consumers to take charge of their health by providing a highly secure, single platform to share and manage their healthcare information with providers and healthcare organizations.

“Patientory’s leading work in securing and maintaining health information in real time helps professionals in Atlanta and elsewhere provide the most effective care. Using blockchain technology, they are able to protect our most sensitive and personal records,” said Kornelius Bankston, director of Bioscience Ecosystem Expansion, Metro Atlanta Chamber.

This award win was quickly followed by the company being named Health Tech Upstarter in the Technology Association of Georgia (TAG) Awards as well. Having raised USD $7.2 million in just three days earlier this year, Patientory is continuing to add partners such as the Blockcypher-Dash partnership announced this summer. The company also has plans to expand its coverage beyond the United States into international markets.

“We are thrilled to be recognized in these two high profile award programmes,” commented CEO and founder Chrissa McFarlane.

“We’re passionate about providing a solution that supports better healthcare outcomes through improved data access and management, and are honored to have our efforts recognized,” concluded McFarlane.

To learn more about Patientory, please visit


About Patientory

Patientory is empowering people to take charge of their own health. Patientory connects doctors, care providers, and consumers all within a single, secure platform – creating a care team that works together to provide the best care. We’re revolutionizing the way doctors and patients interact and gain access to information, cutting out all layers and processes that currently are stumbling blocks in care coordination.

About Health IT Leadership Summit

The Health IT Leadership Summit was founded in 2010 by the Georgia Department of Economic Development, the Metro Atlanta Chamber, and the Technology Association of Georgia. The one-day summit is a gathering spot for leaders in the healthcare industry that help deploy innovative ways to lower costs and improve healthcare.

About Technology Association of Georgia (TAG)

It’s a new world for tech, and the Technology Association of Georgia (TAG) has emerged as a world-class membership organization and an engine for economic development for the state of Georgia. TAG’s mission is to educate, promote, influence and unite Georgia’s technology community to foster an innovative and connected marketplace that stimulates and enhances Georgia’s tech-based economy.


Healthcare Providers Patients

PATIENTORY Selected to Present at Venture Atlanta 2017

Premier technology investment conference to showcase

the Southeast’s most promising technology companies


ATLANTA – September 15, 2017 – Patientory announced today that it has been selected to present at Venture Atlanta 2017, the Southeast’s premier event for connecting technology innovation and investment capital. The 10th annual Venture Atlanta will be held October 11-12 at the College Football Hall of Fame in Atlanta and will feature close to 150 funds from across the country. With more than 900 investors, tech entrepreneurs and executives anticipated to be in attendance, this year’s Venture Atlanta is once again lining up to be a sold-out event.


Adding to the Venture Atlanta excitement are Mark Cuban, chairman and CEO of AXS TV and one of the “sharks” on ABC’s hit show, Shark Tank, and Ernie Garcia, CEO of Carvana, who will deliver keynote presentations.


Patientory was chosen as one of 35 companies from a large pool of applicants that represent the region’s most innovative tech businesses. Patientory is a global population health management software that regulates and secures patient data.


“Through the years, Venture Atlanta has earned a reputation for consistently identifying tomorrow’s cutting-edge technologies while helping to launch over 380 companies and secure over $2 billion in funding,” said Allyson Eman, executive director of Venture Atlanta. “This year’s event marks our 10th anniversary and includes the strongest and largest roster yet of both early and venture-stage companies—showcasing the depth, breadth and opportunity within the region’s technology community.”


During the two-day event, presenting companies and conference attendees will engage with regional as well as national venture capitalists, investors and other key players in the current technology ecosystem. The conference results in funding, national investor exposure, invaluable relationship building and mentoring by successful technology executives. The conference will also, for the first time, include 16 Startup Showcase companies that will share their plans and vision for the future as “companies to watch.”


To learn more about Patientory visit For additional information about Venture Atlanta, to register for the event or to view the conference schedule, please visit


About Venture Atlanta

Venture Atlanta, Georgia’s technology innovation event, is where the region’s most promising tech companies meet the country’s top-tier investors. As the South’s largest investor showcase helping launch more than 380 companies and raise over $2 billion in funding to date, Venture Atlanta connects local entrepreneurs with local and national venture capitalists, bankers, angel investors and others in the technology ecosystem who can help them raise the capital they need to grow their businesses. The annual nonprofit event is a collaboration of three leading Georgia business organizations: Atlanta CEO Council, Metro Atlanta Chamber and the Technology Association of Georgia (TAG). For more information, visit For updates, join us on LinkedIn, follow us on Twitter, and visit our blog.


About Patientory

Patientory is empowering people to take charge of their own health. Patientory connects doctors, care providers, and consumers all within a single, secure platform – creating a care team that works together to provide the best care. We’re revolutionizing the way doctors and patients interact and gain access to information, cutting out all layers and processes that currently are stumbling blocks in care coordination.

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Healthcare Providers Patients

Patientory to Integrate Dash Payments Using BlockCypher Web Services

The Patientory Foundation is delighted to announce that it has joined a new grant program established by cryptocurrency Dash and Blockchain Web Services provider BlockCypher. As a partner in the new program, The Patientory Foundation will receive a grant to fund the integration of the Dash public blockchain with Patientory’s own private blockchain using BlockCypher APIs.

“We are excited to work with Dash and BlockCypher. Using BlockCypher’s web services, we will be the first healthcare blockchain to show interoperability between blockchain networks. This is a major leap forward for how blockchains can be used to process healthcare claims payments,” Patientory Founder and CEO Chrissa McFarlane said.

Patientory’s enterprise solution and mobile app are scheduled for release by the end of 2017 and will give users the option of one or more blockchains for payment. In combination with Patientory’s permissioned blockchain, patients and payors can use BlockCypher web services to maintain Dash wallets and settle payments over the Dash network.

Interview Availability

  • For Dash Core CEO Ryan Taylor, please contact Jesse Platz of Wachsman PR.
  • For BlockCypher Head of Growth Karen Hsu, please contact Karen directly.
  • For Patientory Founder and CEO Chrissa McFarlane, please contact Director of Communications Michael E. Rubin at or 847-370-3421.

Follow the News

Please check back often as we will periodically update this list.

  • EconoTimes – Dash, BlockCypher team up for blockchain-focused grant program
  • BanklessTimes – Dash, BlockCypher launch grant program for blockchain-focused companies
  • PaymentsSource – PaymentsSource Morning Briefing
  • Blockchain News – Dash & BlockCypher Partner to Launch Grant Program For Companies Exploring Blockchain Technology
  • CryptoNinjas – Dash and BlockCypher join forces for blockchain technology grant program

Join Patientory’s email newsletter for the company’s latest updates and news.

About the Grant Program

The grant program launched by Dash and BlockCypher was born from long-standing collaboration between the two, and is aimed at startups and established companies seeking blockchain-based solutions in enterprises and new markets. It will award blockchain projects that have a viable business model, go-to-market plan, and enable innovative use cases on Dash’s network, in conjunction with BlockCypher’s blockchain infrastructure.

“The Dash Core Group has a history of providing support for businesses seeking to integrate Dash, but now we can do so in an official, mutually beneficial way. BlockCypher is a wonderful partner for Dash and has been instrumental in attracting new businesses to leverage our network; this program simply extends our support in a structured way to the numerous leads BlockCypher generates for the network,” CEO of Dash Core, Ryan Taylor said.

“With BlockCypher web services and experience, the goal of this program is to seed projects in regions and use cases where blockchain technology has been underdeveloped. This program is teaming up blockchain focused companies to encourage other companies to adopt blockchain technology. It also uniquely has structured phases towards commercialization,” Karen Hsu, Head of Growth at BlockCypher said.

To participate in the Dash BlockCypher grant program, send an email to

Healthcare Providers

Patientory Urges Healthcare Industry to Secure Patients’ Data with Blockchain

With reports confirming that the patient details of any Australian are now illegally available for as low as $30, leading blockchain startup Patientory is urging global healthcare industry to secure their patients’ health data with with blockchain.

“Healthcare organizations have done an amazing job digitizing and securing healthcare data, but there is more work to be done,” says Patientory Founder and CEO Chrissa McFarlane. “The technology exists to put an end to data breaches like this. Working together, we can make the idea that an individual’s health records can be purchased on the black market for as low as $30 a distant memory.”

McFarlane goes on to urge healthcare IT to quickly move toward adopting blockchain.

  • Instead of having one central administrator act as a gatekeeper to data, blockchain deploys one shared ledger spread across a network of synchronized, replicated databases visible to anyone with the authorized access.
  • It is virtually impossible for a cyber criminal to hack one block in the chain without simultaneously hacking every other block in the chain’s chronology.
  • This makes blockchain incredibly appealing to not only store a patient’s entire health history, but determine who should have access to it.

Patientory’s own advanced blockchain-secured healthcare app will let users create a patient profile to keep track of their health history. The free-to-use app will provide patients with an easy and hassle free way of tracking doctor visits, medical bills, personal medical information, insurance, immunizations and pharmacy medications. Furthermore, it will remove the possibility of having this data held to ransom by cyber criminals.

When Patientory is administered and implemented correctly, there is a minimal possibility that unauthorized access to patient data can be gained. It achieves HIPAA Security Rules by maintaining a security compliance team, protecting relevant electronic systems and using encryption to control data access.

With cyber attacks projected to cost hospitals $305 billion USD within four years, the need for secure patient data has never been more clear. Medical information can be worth ten times more than credit card numbers on the deep web. Fraudsters can use this data to create fake IDs to buy medical equipment or drugs, or combine a patient number with a false provider number and file fictional claims with insurers.

“By 2021, 1 in every 13 patients will experience a compromise of their personal medical data by hack,” says McFarlane. “The question is not ‘if,’ but ‘when’ But the answer can be ‘never’ if healthcare organizations act now.”

Learn More

Healthcare Providers

Blockchain App Puts An End To Medical Records Being Held To Ransom

Patientory is urging citizens around the globe to unlock their health data with blockchain

Patientory’s advanced healthcare app that lets users create a patient profile to keep track of their health history. The free to use app provides patients with an easy and hassle free way of tracking doctor visits, medical bills, personal medical information, insurance, immunizations and pharmacy medications. Furthermore, it removes the possibility of having this data held to ransom by cyber criminals.

Rather than having one central administrator that acts as a gatekeeper to data—there’s one shared ledger, spread across a network of synchronized, replicated databases visible to anyone with the authorized access, providing unprecedented security benefits. Its virtually impossible for a cyber criminal to hack one block in the chain without simultaneously hacking every other block in the chain’s chronology, making the blockchain incredibly appealing to not only store a patient’s entire health history, but determining who should have access to it.

Medical information can be worth ten times more than credit card numbers on the deep web. Fraudsters can use this data to create fake IDs to buy medical equipment or drugs, or combine a patient number with a false provider number and file fictional claims with insurers, with Patientory’s app, when administered and implemented correctly, there is zero possibility that any unauthorized access to patient data can be gained.

In addition, Patientory’s use of blockchain technology helps affiliated healthcare organizations achieve minimal data breaches. It achieves HIPAA Security Rules by maintaining a security compliance team, protecting relevant electronic systems and using encryption to control data access.

Considering that there is technology like Patientory’s already available for citizen’s to ‘own’ and ‘control’ their medical records, Patientory founder & CEO Chrissa McFarlane “urges the government to get behind a blockchain-enabled national IT health system and at the same time help to remove legal obstacles in the movement of data amongst providers.”

McFarlane continued:

“It’s incomprehensible and frustrating that people’s lives were endangered on Friday especially when there is technology like ours out there. How much longer are we, as citizens prepared to let the government control our data and not have the necessary security controls in place.”


Notes to the Editor

  • Patientory’s white paper, the holy grail of blockchain for healthcare, outlines a detailed description of their vision, the market, development roadmap and the upcoming crowd sale of its tokens available here.

About Patientory
Patientory is an advanced healthcare app that lets users create a patient profile to keep track of their health history. The free to use app provides patients an easy and hassle free way of tracking doctor visits, medical bills, personal medical information, insurance, immunizations and pharmacy medications.

The company has a strong blockchain management team and a broad based advisory board that spans both healthcare and business expertise including Shawn Wilkinson, CEO of the blockchain company Storj.

For more information, visit

Media Contact:
Michael E. Rubin, Director of Communications | 847.370.3421

Healthcare Providers Patients

Connecting Medical Records Without Compromising on Privacy

Electronic Health Record (EHR) adoption rates are soaring, which is fantastic for an industry that is often criticized for being slow to adopt new technology. Less than a decade ago, nine out of ten doctors in the U.S. updated their patients’ records by hand and stored them in color-coded files. By the end of 2017, approximately 90% of office-based physicians nationwide will be using electronic health records (EHRs).


Health records are changing quickly — however, concerns over the privacy and security breaches of EHRs especially electronic protected health information (ePHI) continues to plague the healthcare industry—and the trend shows no signs of abating.


Although little evidence exists with which to gauge the vulnerability of electronic health information to outside attacks – the numbers speak for themselves. More than 25 million patient records were reportedly compromised as of October 2016. And then, in November, the cases spiked: There were 57 health data breaches—the highest of all months in 2016, according to the Protenus Breach Barometer. Data breaches stemmed from hacking, malware and ransomware agents as well breaches caused by inside employees – such as theft of a portable device for example.


Connecting Medical Records

Health and government organizations spend a significant amount of time and money setting up and managing traditional information systems and data exchanges; requiring resources to continuously troubleshoot issues, update field parameters, perform backup and recovery measures, and extract information for reporting purposes.


Federal laws and incentive programs have made healthcare data more accessible, in response to hospital pushback regarding EMR implementation. However, the vast majority of hospital systems still can’t easily (or safely) share their data. You only need to ask your primary care doctor to share information with your allergist or surgeon, to know what a headache this is.


As a result, doctors are spending more time typing than actually talking to patients. Physician burnouts jumped from 45 to 54 percent between 2011 and 2014, according to a Mayo Clinic study.


The new healthcare paradigm demands the need for effective and optimal care delivery for patients to yield better care outcomes. To do this, the most popular strategy circulating among healthcare technologists is blockchain.


There has been a lot of buzz about blockchain transforming healthcare recently. At Patientory, we are building a blockchain powered health information exchange (HIE) that can unlock the true value of interoperability and cyber security.


Our system has the potential to eliminate the friction and costs of current third party intermediaries, when considering population health management. There are promises of improved data integrity, decentralization and disintermediation of trust, and reduced transaction costs.


Being able to coordinate patient care via a blockchain HIE essentially alleviates unnecessary services and duplicate tests with lowering costs and improvements in efficiencies of the continuum care cycle.


Without Compromising on Privacy

Implementation of blockchain technology to ensure and enhance data security for all the medical records associated with the system can achieve zero health breaches and ultimate decentralization of record ownership. The process of encrypting data when sent to database using different algorithms and decrypting it during the retrieval will be used in our solution..


This gives it unprecedented security benefits. Hacking one block in the chain is impossible without simultaneously hacking every other block in the chain’s chronology. This makes blockchain incredibly appealing to the doctors and hospitals that need secure access to a patient’s entire health history.


Now is the right time to take a fresh approach to data sharing in healthcare.  A patient-centered protocol supported by blockchain technology, Patientory is changing the way healthcare stakeholders manage electronic medical data and interact with clinical care teams.


Through use of our mobile app, Patientory users create an individual profile. Their medical information is then stored on a secure, HIPAA-compliant blockchain platform, allowing them to connect with care providers as well as other patients who have similar health issues or concerns. This allows patients greater control over their overall health across multiple care teams, both inside and outside of the hospital.


We’re not only working to fill the gaps in our health system, but we’re looking to play a vital role in the future of healthcare.


Healthcare Providers Patients

Delivering a New Blockchain-Based Patient Care Model


Mar 1, 20175:25 PM EST by Michael Scott via

With promises on the part of the new Trump administration to reboot Obamacare, the U.S. healthcare system is at a crossroads. Staggering costs, barriers to patient access and quality-of-care concerns underscore the need for innovative solutions to address this key element of America’s future.

One company firmly entrenched in efforts to address many of these prevailing issues is Atlanta-based Patientory. It endeavors to deliver population-health management solutions that assist healthcare organizations in boosting clinical outcomes through physician-coordinated care. Through the use of a patient-centered protocol supported by blockchain technology, Patientory is poised to change the way patients securely manage their health histories and interact with their clinical care teams.

Through use of the company’s mobile app, Patientory users create an individual profile. Their medical information is then stored on a secure, HIPAA-compliant blockchain platform, allowing them to connect with care providers as well as other patients who have similar health issues or concerns. This allows patients greater control over their overall health across multiple care teams, both inside and outside of the hospital.

The company’s genesis is tied to the 2016 inaugural class of the Boomtown Health-Tech Accelerator in Boulder, Colorado. This led to a collaborative exchange with the Denver-based Colorado Permanente Medical Group, part of the Kaiser Permanente consortium, based in Oakland, California.

Despite its startup status, the company has established a deep footprint in the healthcare landscape. For CEO Chrissa McFarlane, who has over 10 years of experience in the industry, Patientory reflects her personal journey and frustration with patients not having access to a central depository of their own health information and to a supportive community.

Facilitating Patient-Centered Care

McFarlane notes that while the Affordable Care Act reflected the Obama government’s effort to create a more unified health system, in the current state of chaos, the solution ultimately boils down to the individual having the necessary resources to make informed decisions regarding their health.

“Our platform is primarily patient focused. We make it easy for patients to connect with their health, which includes their information, caregivers and a peer community of individuals for support. Unfortunately, this has never existed in the U.S. And while other healthcare companies are trying to achieve similar goals, it’s on a very siloed level.”

From a clinical standpoint, the Patientory app makes it easy for a patient care team to interact and share data, including medication and overall health history. Physicians and other care providers can therefore coordinate care over the continuum of a patient’s care journey.

Similarly, patients can interact with all of their physicians at once, in real time, fostering greater coordination of care efficiencies and cost savings. This is a valuable feature for patients with chronic conditions who often deal with a host of physicians, specialists and subspecialists who play a role in their care.

Moreover, the portability of their health records allows a new physician easy access to their health histories, reducing the burdensome take of having to reinvent the wheel whenever a new health provider is contacted.


In light of the growing number of data breaches facing the healthcare industry, blockchain technology’s major value proposition within the healthcare sector revolves around its robust security protocol, which makes HIPAA compliance feasible for both patients and providers.

Built on the belief that decentralized hospital records improve information security, Patientory employs data networking and medical information storage in a manner that allows patients to manage their own health data repositories, thereby improving overall patient care and well-being.

From electronic health information confidentiality to security threats identification to disclosure protection, Patientory’s employment of blockchain technology helps the healthcare ecosystem mitigate damaging data breaches. Unlike electronic health records, which are vulnerable to hacks, blockchain technology is able to utilize a more secure, permanent record of online information exchange.

Greater Efficiency

On a macro level, Patientory’s ability to coordinate care greatly alleviates the occurrence of unnecessary and wasteful services. A care team’s ability to access a patient’s health history decreases the likelihood that they’ll rerun duplicate tests. This can lead to lower costs and greater efficiencies in the overall continuum of care.

“Our primary health moonshot goal is cost to zero,” says McFarlane. “In other words the goal is to radically reduce the cost of care by a factor of a million. By offering automated treatments care plans and coordinated care through a health community network, the industry will see an 85 percent decrease in hospital readmissions/penalties along with zero healthcare breaches through decentralized blockchain technology.”

Concludes McFarlane: “We’re anxious to see the effects of Patientory’s value in the industry, specifically how it improves the quality of life of those suffering from chronic illnesses. The uncertainty for the future of Obamacare breeds hope for blockchain technology startups like Patientory, which seeks to fill the gaps in our health system, empowering the individual patient to take charge of their own health in a proactive way.”


Healthcare Providers Patients

Hacking HIPAA: Blockchain and Healthcare

Blockchain has finally reached healthcare and making headlines! However, any healthcare provider that electronically store, process or transmit medical records, medical claims, remittances, or certifications must comply with HIPAA regulations. With Patientory, this not only applies to the provider but to the patient as well.

Fortunately, HIPAA requires that all patients be able access their own medical records, correct errors or omissions, and be informed how personal information is shared used. So why wasn’t Patientory and blockchain created years ago? Patientory’s blockchain application to the health industry will only strengthen security for easier compliance of HIPAA best practices for the patient and provider.

Patientory’s use of blockchain follows HIPAA Security Rules, including but not lmited to:

  • Administrative Safeguards – Assignment of a HIPAA security compliance team.
  • Physical Safeguards – Protection of electronic systems, equipment and data.
  • Technical Safeguards – Authentication & encryption used to control data access.

This ensures covered entities maintain reasonable and appropriate administrative, technical, and physical safeguards for protecting Electronic Protected Health Information (e-PHI), with 0 health breaches.

Specifically, Patientory’s proprietary blockchain technology achieves 0 health breaches by:

  1. Ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of all e-PHI they create, receive, maintain or transmit;
  2. Identifying and protecting against reasonably anticipated threats to the security or integrity of the information;
  3. Protecting against reasonably anticipated, impermissible uses or disclosures; and
  4. Ensures compliance by workforce

Patientory is transforming healthcare, by placing the patient at the center of the health care ecosystem and increasing the security, privacy, and interoperability of health data.

Healthcare Providers

Tools for Successful Patient Engagement

To support your patient engagement strategy, you need a combination of tools across your healthcare organization. These tools should share the same overall objective – to help your patients better engage, understand, and become active (24/7) participants in their own healthcare.

Patient engagement can mean different things to different groups of people –providers versus patients, for example. What is most important is to manage evolving patient engagement demands, and on a broader scope, to satisfy regulatory requirements for better population health and improved patient outcomes.

To satisfy patient engagement needs – and approach healthcare more holistically – you need the expertise and technology tools that work well together and deliver results that demonstrate value, drive better population health, and lower care costs. One step to achieving this goal is by having patients more involved in their health, which means access to their health information and support networks. Patientory solutions have you covered:

  • Combining the power of rapid and secure medical record access with a patient community platform
  • Increase patient engagement with care coordination
  • More intelligently allocate time and resources for improved care
  • Software to ensure regulatory requirements

What does patient engagement mean to you? What tools do you currently use? Are there additional solutions you’ve considered to help boost your engagement efforts during the transition to value-based care? Can you automatically and systematically engage with your patients anywhere, anytime?

Patientory can help answer your questions and put you on the path to better patient engagement and satisfaction as you transition to value-based care.