
Patientory CEO & Health Transformer Shares Her Moonshot with StartUp Health

“[Healthcare is] ripe for disruption. It’s also one of the hardest industries to innovate in. And I think to be able to make an impact we definitely need moonshot thinking.” – Patientory CEO & Health Transformer Chrissa McFarlane

About StartUp Health

StartUp Health is organizing, supporting, and investing in a global army of Health Transformers, i.e. entrepreneurs reimagining the future of health. Since 2011, StartUp Health has been coaching and connecting Health Transformers from around the world who have the mindset to solve 10 Health Moonshots: Access to Care, Cost to Zero, Cure Disease, End to Cancer, Women’s Health, Children’s Health, Nutrition & Fitness, Brain Health, Mental Health & Happiness, and Longevity. StartUp Health is helping Health Transformers achieve their Health Moonshots to improve the health and well-being of everyone in the world.


Patientory CEO Discusses Blockchain as a New Solution to Old Healthcare Problems

“One of the things with blockchain is it’s consortium based… so it’s really getting everyone incentivized and at the table, which doesn’t exist today. Here in the US, one of the biggest issues we have is interoperability which has been a problem for the past 15 years since the introduction of the EMR [Electronic Medical Record]. We definitely see blockchain as a starting point to really lay the groundwork and the foundation for a lot of the incentivization to happen.”

– Patientory CEO and Founder Chrissa McFarlane speaking at Bloomberg Live’s The Value of Data event on September 13th in New York