Blockchain Events

Blockland Solutions Conference Highlights Cleveland’s Blockchain Efforts and Patientory

Cleveland, Ohio is working hard to lead the way in becoming a cryptocurrency and blockchain friendly city. There is a downtown technology hub in the works as well as a new think tank devoted to blockchain technology research and adoption. Many of the region’s universities, such as Baldwin Wallace, are already incorporating blockchain into curriculums. Additionally, Ohio just became the first state in the nation to accept cryptocurrency for business tax payments.

Patientory had the pleasure of experiencing Cleveland’s technological drive at the inaugural Blockland Solutions: Blockchain for Business & Government, a conference at the start of December. Both the presentation and the healthcare panel featuring CEO Chrissa McFarlane went very well, and we were highlighted as a premier blockchain company. We also discovered opportunities to build case studies with healthcare organizations for enterprise-level adoption of blockchain.

Blockchain Events

Patientory Participates in a Healthcare Panel at Blockland Cleveland

Yesterday, Patientory Founder and CEO Chrissa McFarlane was one of the panelists for the Healthcare Block Study during Blockland Solutions: Blockchain for Business and Government. Blockland Solutions, Cleveland’s first blockchain conference, continues through today and has a focus on real-world problem solving and business and government applications of blockchain technology. Check out images from the panel in the gallery below.

Panelists Pictured

Akram Boutros, President & CEO, The MetroHealth System

Evin McMullen, Project Lead at Linnia, a startup within the ConsenSys family of companies

Stephanie Perez, Associate Director, R3

Dr. Shane McNamee, Chief Medical Officer, mdlogix

Chrissa McFarlane, Founder & CEO, Patientory