Blockchain Events

Blockchain Panels from ConV2X Now Available for Listening

Patientory attended ConVerge2Xcelerate in October, a healthcare modernization event that brought together the foremost innovators and leaders in blockchain technology, telehealth, AI, and other technologies. The intention of the conference was to address the most compelling issues, growth opportunities, and financial implications of these technologies for the healthcare industry.

Patientory CEO Chrissa McFarlane spoke on two different blockchain-focused panels at the event. The full audio for both panels is now available from Blockchain in Healthcare Today. Follow the links below to listen to the discussions.

Panel 1: Tokens & The Internet of Value: Blending Game Theory, Computer Science, Psychology, and Economics

Panel 2: Data Sharing? The Case for Blockchain at the Global Convergence of Healthcare, Life Sciences, and Consumer Markets


Can Blockchain Help Companies Become GDPR Compliant?

The General Data Protection Regulation went into effect in the European Union this year, but the full impact of the groundbreaking legislation still remains to be seen. The new rules were enacted to further protect consumer data rights in regards to data storage and businesses were required to comply. However, one of the major provisions requires companies to allow consumers to withdraw or edit their personal data from a database, which poses a challenge to the immutable nature of blockchain.

Andrew Arnold, a contributor to Forbes, believes compliance is still possible. Blockchain simply offers a new, more secure method of processing and storing large amounts of data. In his words: “In fact, embracing blockchain-based identity management means assuming ‘privacy by design’ –  the biggest demand from the regulators. And blockchain technology can become businesses’ strongest ally in meeting GDPR regulations without many troubles.” To read more about possible solutions for aligning blockchain with the GDPR, click here.

Blockchain Healthcare Providers Patients

The Accenture Digital Health Technology Vision 2018: Trust and Responsibility

As technology becomes more deeply embedded in our lives, healthcare organizations are increasingly applying new technologies and innovations to deliver personalized, efficient, and informed care. The Accenture Digital Health Technology Vision 2018 emphasizes the need for healthcare providers to prioritize trust and responsibility in order for people to receive the full benefits of digitally enabled healthcare services.

The report explores five specific trends: Extended Reality, Frictionless Business, Internet of Thinking, Citizen AI, and Data Veracity. The first three are considered the enablers of an intelligent healthcare enterprise while the latter two are considered the consequences. Blockchain is primarily considered a part of the Frictionless Business trend. Ninety-one percent of health executives believe blockchain and smart contracts will be critical for their organization over the next three years. Read more about Patientory’s application of blockchain to healthcare here.


Patientory Named One of Top 12 Companies Bringing Blockchain to Healthcare

Patientory was featured on a list of the twelve most promising enterprises leveraging blockchain technology in healthcare. The list was developed by The Medical Futurist (TMF), a news source reporting on exciting health technologies and changes in digital health. Patientory is listed as number four and the full feature can be found here.

TMF sees blockchain as a critical win for healthcare because it could effectively secure health data, including medical records and clinical trial records. This is possible because the blocks in a blockchain cannot be deleted or changed without leaving a trace. Patientory’s blockchain-based platform empowers patients to keep track of their health histories by securing health data across providers and institutions.


Why Critical Healthcare Infrastructure Needs Blockchain: Thoughts on Cybersecurity from Patientory’s CEO

“The reality is that cyber-attacks have become significantly more sophisticated. Those who manage healthcare IT systems must start to seriously look at improving technologies used to protect the security of sensitive medical data and safeguard ongoing patient care.”

In an article on healthcare cybersecurity, Patientory CEO Chrissa McFarlane writes about the increase in cyber-attacks on healthcare organizations the past few years, the challenges faced by current healthcare IT systems, and the future of blockchain as a service to address these issues.

Blockchain is very difficult for hackers to breach for usable information. It can also be used to empower consumers to take control of their health data and securely share sensitive medical data. Read the full article here.


Patientory Participates in Two Events Today: ConVerge2Xcelerate & GA Blacks in Tech Policy

Patientory is committed to connecting people through community and transforming healthcare with better technology. We are excited about our participation in two different events happening today: ConVerge2Xcelerate at Columbia University and GA Blacks in Tech Policy at Atlanta City Hall.


ConVerge2Xcelerate is a healthcare modernization event that brings together the foremost innovators and leaders in blockchain technology, telehealth, AI, and other technologies, to address the most compelling issues, growth opportunities, and financial implications for the healthcare industry. Patientory CEO Chrissa McFarlane will be speaking on two different panels related specifically to blockchain. The first one is titled “Tokens & The Internet of Value: Blending Game Theory, Computer Science, Psychology, and Economics,” and the second one is titled “Data Sharing? The Case for Blockchain at the Global Convergence of Healthcare, Life Sciences, and Consumer Markets.”

GA Blacks in Tech Policy

The second annual GA Blacks in Tech Policy is a gathering of hundreds of technologists, tech founders, investors, corporate partners, policymakers, and others to discuss policy proposals for a more inclusive tech policy in four major areas: FinTech, Healthcare IT, Energy, and Cybersecurity. The goal of the conference is to leverage the power of innovation and collaboration to create and push forward policies that impact technologists of color, locally, statewide, and on the federal level.

Patientory CEO Chrissa McFarlane will be honored during the Awards Lunch for her efforts in developing a more inclusive tech ecosystem in Georgia. She will be receiving GA’s “Blacks in Tech” Award for Investments, which recognizes an individual that has consistently and aggressively invested in the black tech community.